Are you being bullied?

Sometimes when we are bullied, it is difficult to tell someone or ask for help. It is important to know what there are always people who care about you, even if you feel that there aren't. Just watch this video about our friend Olivia and you'll see that even if you think there is no one who cares, there are many who think you are special and would be happy to be your friend. The first step to standing up to your bullies is telling someone you trust that you are being bullied. This person can be your mom, dad, sister, brother, teacher, principal, school counselor, coach, or even a good friend. Remember that telling is not tattling.

However, if you ever feel like you need to talk to someone and feel like you have no one to turn to, the Kids Help Phone is always open to you. You can call at any time and you don't have to give them your name if you don't want to; plus, everything you tell them is completely confidential. They are there to just listen to you, give you advice, or just be a friend.

These web sites can also help you if you are being bullied and don't know what to do about it:

If you are 13 or older click here.

If you are between 9 and 12 click here.

If you are younger than 8 years old click here.

You can also check out this video about what you can do if you are being bullied:


Do you know someone who is being bullied?

If you know some one who is being bullied it is also important to tell some one you know who you think can help the situation. Talking to the person who is being bullied and showing them some one cares about them is also very important. Visit these web sites for more advice:

If you are 13 years and up:

If you are between 9 and 12:

If you are under 8 years old:

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